Lean Into What's Possible For Your Success

business leadership management transformation trust Jan 08, 2024

Over the past few years, I've cultivated a daily reading habit that has become an integral part of my morning routine. In 2023, my journey through many books, podcasts, webinars, and mentoring experiences, alongside connecting with a dynamic group of entrepreneurial women, has profoundly influenced my role as an Executive and Transformational Coach. Especially through the challenges of the COVID era, I encountered inspiring stories of women who took control of their success by establishing thriving online businesses—some even making it their primary source of income, never looking back.

One standout book that left a lasting impact on me is "Authentic Success" by Robert Holden, Ph.D., the visionary behind the renowned Success Intelligence coaching program. In a chapter dedicated to the concept of a "Success Contract," Holden poses thought-provoking questions, challenging us to examine our beliefs about life and the limits we unconsciously set for ourselves.

The Success Contract, as Holden describes it, is a metaphorical agreement between you and your ego (your self-image), outlining what success is attainable and what is deemed impossible. Reflecting on this concept brought me back to the early days of my entrepreneurial journey that began at the age of twenty-one, driven solely by the necessity of survival and providing for my daughter.

As I approach 2024, I find myself pondering the nature of my own Success Contract. What are my beliefs about what is possible or impossible? What vision do I have for my life, and who do I aspire to serve? Defining success for myself and understanding my relationship with it has become a reflective exercise as I navigate this new chapter.

Growing up in an Italian household that migrated to Australia, we established our roots on an orchard in South Australia. Raised with the notion that luxuries were beyond our means, I developed a strong work ethic—ingrained with the belief that hard work was the only path to affording life's necessities. This upbringing instilled in me a sense of lack rather than abundance, shaping my early perceptions of success and prosperity.

The Work Ethic

Having laid the foundation of my early success on the belief that relentless hard work was the only way to achieve success, I found myself caught in total conflict. The more tirelessly I worked, the more drained I became, realizing too late that this approach not only let down my clients and team but also had consequences for my relationship with my daughter. The exhaustion stemming from my unwavering commitment to work began to compromise the quality of my contributions, impacting not just my professional world but also impacting my personal life. It became clear that a recalibration was needed, as the pursuit of my success demanded a sustainable approach as began to acknowledge the importance of well-being, balance, and meaningful connections. This  prompted a shift in my mindset, needing me to reconsider the true meaning of success and the interplay between my dedication and the  preservation of my personal relationships.

The hidden cost

The pursuit of success often carries with it a concealed toll that goes beyond the visible achievements and accolades. The hidden cost of success comes with sacrifices, personal struggles, and the unspoken burdens. It may manifest as strained relationships, missed moments with loved ones, and a perpetual sense of responsibility that can weigh heavily on the shoulders of the successful. The pressure to maintain a certain image, meet expectations, and continuously outdo oneself can lead to stress, burnout, and a subtle erosion of one's well-being. The constant drive for success may obscure the need for balance and self-care, inadvertently creating an environment where the costs of achievement are dimmed by the facade of accomplishment. Acknowledging and addressing these hidden costs becomes crucial for a more holistic and sustainable journey towards success.

Perfection Doesn't Exist

The conflict of perfection lies in its ability to demotivate inspiration rather than elevate it. The constant pursuit of perfectionism often becomes a barrier to creativity and innovation. The notion of absolute perfection is an illusion that distances individuals from the imperfect beauty of creation. The relentless pursuit of perfection can lead to a fear of failure, holding back the free flow of ideas and hindering the creative process. In reality, perfectionism is a concept that doesn't really exist; it's a standard that, when pursued, slows down progress and stifles the very inspiration that fuels meaningful achievements. Embracing imperfections not only allows you to be more genuine in your expression of creativity but also fosters an environment where innovation can flourish.

Something to Think About

Within each of us lies a personal philosophy shaping our perceptions of both success and life. Reflecting on your journey, consider the unhelpful and limiting beliefs from the past that have got in the way of your success. 

Engaging in this introspective exercise invites you to uncover and release limiting beliefs, fostering a more empowering mindset as you embark on the ongoing journey of personal and professional growth.

  • Past Reflections:

    • Identify unhelpful and limiting beliefs hindering past success.
    • Examine the mindset obstacles that have impeded your journey.
  • Present Realities:

    • Evaluate current limiting beliefs that may be constraining your progress.
    • Identify and release mental barriers crucial for reaching the next level of success.
  • Future Aspirations:

    • Envision a positive belief to carry forward as the centerpiece of your faith.
    • Consider this guiding belief as the catalyst for future success and limitless possibilities.

Create your own Success Contract for 2024 - What do you want, what do you need to believe and what is the roadmap you need to create to get you there. 


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