business coaching leadership management relationships transformation trust May 10, 2023

There is a strong correlation between emotional intelligence in the leaders, executives and managers within an organisation and delivering superior business results

Emotional Intelligence is a different way of being smart and key to high performance and Personal-Mastery 

Personal-Mastery will help you balance work and home priorities. The balance between work and home can be so overwhelming that one does not have the time and presence of mind to:

  • Prepare and show up for work and home in the way you want to
  • Take time out for yourself
  • Focus on your health and fitness
  • Be the family member you want to be

It will take making a decision and applying dedication to create balance through emotional well-being because healthy and whole Leadership in an organisation needs individuals who themselves lead a healthy and whole life. Today more than ever the demands and challenges of anyone in an executive role puts stress on their health and family life.

What Is Emotional Well-Being?

Emotional well-being is being emotionally healthy, well, vibrant, energetic and intelligent. It means being able to experience the following:

  • An optimum balance between your work and everything else you do.
  • A continuing passion about work and life.
  • Healthy relationships with people at work- caring, compassionate, empathetic and encouraging.
  • Healthy relationships with people at home. 
  • A solid sense of self that's not dependent on work, success and results.
  • A sense of interest and fascination for things outside of your work?

When I coach an executive or manager, I start with the person - how they are coping with the basic needs of life and the meanings they associate with work, themselves and the other people in their lives.

Emotional Well-Being Starts From The Inside 

The way that we show up on the outside has everything to do with what is going inside us. As human beings we have the ability to create rich and robust meaning. We make meaning about our work, other people and about ourselves.

We create meaning for everything we believe in and do, our thoughts, feelings and behaviours come from our beliefs and the meaning we give to them. The most important skill is to have the flexibility to recognise the meaning we have already created and the ability to suspend or change that meaning and belief to a more useful one. If you believe that work is hard and that you never have any time for yourself or your family, the meaning and belief you associate with your situation, it that work is all too hard.

Personal-Mastery - knowing yourself on a deeper level will connect you to your emotional well-being. The more aware you become of the quality of you thinking, the more you will be able to control your feelings and emotions and as a result you behaviours and beliefs will change, so will the sphere of influence and what you can control will grow.  

Ask yourself:

  • Do I have a healthy connection with myself, my thoughts and my beliefs?
  • What matters to me in life?
  • What are my beliefs about work?
  • What does emotional well-being mean to me?

 Managing Your Emotional Well-Being

The most meaningful act of responsibility as an executive, is to be able to control your own state of mind. 

Understanding yourself at a deeper level begins with self-awareness - this is the first step to emotional intelligence (EQ). The more emotionally intelligent you become the more control you will have over your emotional well-being.

Here are some ways that will help you begin to create awareness and explore your own emotional well-being.

  • Accept your emotions and explore the meaning you give to them - emotions are simply what you think, believe and expect in the world and how you actually experience it
  • Listen to and take care of your body - your emotions are a reflection of your body and your mind - are you sleeping well, exercising regularly and eating healthy food? Check your self- talk - yes that one - the voice in your head that speaks to you on a regular basis, what are you telling yourself
  • Listen to your emotions - emotions are energy in motion, they move you to take action whether you choose to or not. Just because you feel an emotion doesn't mean that you have to act on it. It is very easy to distort an emotion - get clarity before acting on it.

My role as an Executive Coach is to facilitate the health and wellbeing of my clients. This includes their emotional and metal well-being, balance in their work and life, their ability to relax and enjoy life, connect with others in a meaningful way, live with passion and have a life outside their work.

The impact of changing the conversation in the workplace, requires a high degree of self- awareness, emotional-awareness, patience, personal vitality and well-being.  Relationships are built on trust and the ability to communicate - the first person to have a healthy and trusting relationship with, is yourself.

To bring out the best in others requires a high degree of trust and empathy. People  who have a high degree of empathy are able to recognise and meet the needs of others. They are approachable and interested in what others have to say, they listen and ask questions and are genuinely interested in them.

The ability to master all the elements of emotional intelligence, beginning with self-awareness, examining your thoughts and motives will enable you to manage your Executive and Emotional well-being.



Meta-Coach & Conversational Intelligence Coach.

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